Initial configurations for Molecular Dynamics Simulations by packing optimization

Institute of Chemistry and Institute of Mathematics
University of Campinas
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
University of São Paulo
Input Examples
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See also:
ComplexMixtures.jl MDLovoFit
CellListMap.jl LovoAlign
The TANGO project
M3G Home-Page
JM Home-Page
EGB Home-Page
Home Usage Download


Packmol is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.

In order to keep our motivation in developing the software, we kindly ask that you to cite the reference below in your publications if the software was useful:

L. Martínez, R. Andrade, E. G. Birgin, J. M. Martínez. Packmol: A package for building initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 30(13):2157-2164, 2009.

Download alternatives:

1. [Packmol.jl]: This is a multi-platform wrapper for Packmol, written in Julia. It is easy to use and install. Follow the instructions in the README file of the repository to install the package.

2. [LATEST RELEASE REPOSITORY]: This is the repository of the source-code of the latest release of Packmol. Download the zip or tar.gz file files, which contain the source code. Next, follow the installation instructions to install the package.

3. [conda-forge/packmol-feedstock]: Packmol is also available through conda and mamba package managers. We *do not* maintain these packages, so please report any issues to the maintainers of the conda-forge feedstock.

If you experience any problem while downloading, please write to

Packmol is under constant development, and new features and bug fixes may introduce other bugs and regressions. Please let us know if you find any problem, or regressions, so we can fix them.