
Several keyword parameters can be used to adjust the convergence criteria and to deal with the memory management of the execution.

Mutating or not mutating the initial point

Two solver functions are available: spgbox! and spgbox. The only difference is that spgbox! operates inplace in the input vector, while spgbox creates a copy of it and leaves the input variable unchanged. To perform completely non-allocating executions, use spgbox! and preallocate the auxiliary vectors.

Function and gradient with one function

Sometimes it is convenient, and more effective, to compute the function and gradient with the same function. This can be done with SPGBox by defining a function, for example fg!(g,x) which updates the gradient array g, and returns the function value fx. For example:

julia> function fg!(g,x)
           fx = zero(eltype(x))
           for i in eachindex(x)
               fx += (x[i] - i)^2
               g[i] = 2*(x[i] - i)
           return fx
fg! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> x = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0];

julia> spgbox(fg!,x)


 Convergence achieved.

 Final objective function value = 0.0
 Sample of best point = Vector{Float64}[ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
 Projected gradient norm = 0.0

 Number of iterations = 3
 Number of function evaluations = 3

Convergence criteria

Parameters exist to set the convergence threshold, maximum number of iterations, maximum number of functional evaluations, and number of possibly non-monotone steps.

These keywords provided to spgbox! with, for example:

julia> R = spgbox!(f,g!,x,nitmax=1000)

where nitmax, in this case, is the maximum number of iterations.

The available keywords are:

KeywordTypeMeaningDefault value
nitmaxIntegerMaximum number of iterations allowed.100
nfevalmaxIntegerMaximum number of function evaluations allowed.1000
epseltype(x)Convergence criteria for the projected gradient norm.1e-5
mIntegerNumber of non-monotone search steps.10

Memory preallocation

The SPGBox method requires four auxiliary vectors, three of them of length equal to the number of variables (g, xn and gn), and a vector of length equal to the number of non-monotone steps allowed, fprev, of dimension, m (see below).

These vectors are allocated in the SPGBox.VAux data structure. For preallocating the auxiliary vectors, initialize this data structure before calling spgbox! and pass the data structure using the vaux argument. In brief, given that the vector of variables is x, and the function is f(x), do:

julia> x = rand(1_000_000);

julia> auxvecs = SPGBox.VAux(x,f(x))

julia> R = spgbox!(f,g!,x,vaux=auxvecs)

That is, the SPGBox.Vaux constructor receives an example of x and an example of the output of f(x) and with that constructs the structure of auxiliary arrays.

For example, let us minimize the sum of squares of one million variables:

julia> function f(x)
           f = zero(eltype(x))
           for i in eachindex(x)
               f += x[i]^2
f (generic function with 1 methods)

julia> function g!(g,x)
           for i in eachindex(x)
               g[i] = 2*x[i]
g! (generic function with 1 methods)

julia> n = 1_000_000

julia> x = rand(n);

Without preallocating the auxiliary arrays:

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime spgbox!($f,$g!,$x)
  8.705 ms (16 allocations: 45.78 MiB)

Now we will preallocate all auxiliary arrays.

julia> auxvecs = SPGBox.VAux(x,f(x));

And these arrays will be passed as arguments to the spgbox! function:

julia> @btime spgbox!($f,$g!,$x,vaux=$auxvecs)
  3.414 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

While SPG is very memory efficient, pré-allocation of the arrays reduces significanltly the use of memory, which might be important for multiple executions of the the same code, for example in multi-start approach for global-minimum search.

Size and preallocation of fprev

The auxiliary vector fprev stores the information of the function value of the last m function evaluations, which is the number of non-monotone steps allowed. Thus, it is a vector of size m which is also preallocated by SPGBox.VAux. By default, it is allocated to length 10, which is the default value for m. If m is modified by the user and preallocation will be done, the new m value must be provided to SPGBox.VAux, with:

julia> auxvecs = SPGBox.VAux(x,f(x),m=5)

Additional keywords available

Additional keywords available:

KeywordTypeMeaningDefault value
iprintIntegerPrinting details (0, 1, or 2)0
project_x0BoolProjects, or not, the initial point on the bounds.true
callbackUnion{<:Function,Nothing}Callback functionnothing
lowerAbstractVecOrMatArray of lower boundsnothing
upperAbstractVecOrMatArray of upper boundsnothing