Selection functions

The select function can be used to select subsets of atoms from a vector of atoms. A simple selection syntax can be used, for example:

atoms = select(atoms, "protein and resnum < 30")

or standard Julia function can be provided as the second argument:

atoms = select(atoms, at -> isprotein(at) && resnum(at) < 30)

Support for the second argument of select as a function was introduced in v1.7.0.

General selection syntax

Accepted Boolean operators: and, or, and not.

The accepted keywords for the selection are:

KeywordOptionsInput valueExample
index=,>,<,<=,>=Integerindex <= 10
index_pdb=,>,<,<=,>=Integerindex_pdb <= 10
nameStringname CA
elementStringelement N
resnameStringresname ALA
resnum=,>,<,<=,>=Integerresnum = 10
residue=,>,<,<=,>=Integerresidue = 10
chainStringchain A
modelIntegermodel 1
beta=,>,<,<=,>=Realbeta > 0.5
occup=,>,<,<=,>=Realoccup >= 0.3
segnameStringsegname PROT

resnum is the residue number as written in the PDB file, while residue is the residue number counted sequentially in the file.

index_pdb is the number written in the "atom index" field of the PDB file, while index is the sequential index of the atom in the file.

Special macros: proteins, water

Just use these keywords to select the residues matching the properties desired.


aromatic = select(atoms,"aromatic")
aromatic = select(atoms,"charged")

Available keywords:


The properties refer to protein residues and will return false to every non-protein residue. Thus, be careful with the use of not with these selections, as they might retrieve non-protein atoms.

Retrieving indices, filtering, etc


The Select object was implemented in PDBTools v1.1.0. The sel"" string macro was implemented in PDBTools v1.2.0.

If only the indices of the atoms are of interest, the Julia findall function can be used, by passing a Select object, or a regular function, to select the atoms:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "protein and residue <= 3");

julia> findall(Select("name CA"), atoms)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> findall(at -> name(at) == "CA", atoms)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

All indexing is 1-based. Thus, the first atom of the structure is atom 1.

The Select constructor can be used to feed simple selection syntax entries to other Julia functions, such as findfirst, findlast, or filter:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "protein and residue <= 3");

julia> filter(Select("name CA"), atoms)
   Array{Atoms,1} with 3 atoms with fields:
   index name resname chain   resnum  residue        x        y        z occup  beta model segname index_pdb
       5   CA     ALA     A        1        1   -8.483  -14.912   -6.726  1.00  0.00     1    PROT         5
      15   CA     CYS     A        2        2   -5.113  -13.737   -5.466  1.00  0.00     1    PROT        15
      26   CA     ASP     A        3        3   -3.903  -11.262   -8.062  1.00  0.00     1    PROT        26

julia> findfirst(Select("beta = 0.00"), atoms)

The sel"" literal string macro is a shortcut for Select. Thus, these syntaxes are valid:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "protein and residue <= 3");

julia> name.(filter(sel"name CA", atoms))
3-element Vector{String}:

julia> findfirst(sel"name CA", atoms)

Use Julia functions directly

Selections can be done using Julia functions directly, providing a greater control over the selection and, possibly, the use of user defined selection functions. For example:

myselection(atom) = (atom.x < 10.0 && atom.resname == "GLY") || ( == "CA") 
atoms = select(atoms, myselection)

or, for example, using Julia anonymous functions

select(atoms, at -> isprotein(at) && name(at) == "O" && atom.x < 10.0)

The only requirement is that the function defining the selection receives an PDBTools.Atom as input, and returns true or false depending on the conditions required for the atom.


The macro-keywords described in the previous section can be used within the Julia function syntax, but the function names start with is. For example:

select(atoms, at -> isprotein(at) && resnum(at) in [ 1, 5, 7 ])

Thus, the macro selection functions are: iswater, isprotein, isbackbone, issidechain, isacidic, isbasic, isaliphatic, isaromatic, ischarged, isneutral, ispolar, isnonpolar, and ishydrophobic.

Iterate over residues (or molecules)

The eachresidue iterator allows iteration over the resiudes of a structure (in PDB files distinct molecules are associated to different residues, thus this iterates similarly over the molecules of a structure). For example:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> protein = readPDB(PDBTools.SMALLPDB);

julia> count(atom -> resname(atom) == "ALA", protein)

julia> count(res -> resname(res) == "ALA", eachresidue(protein))

The result of the iterator can also be collected, with:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> protein = readPDB(PDBTools.SMALLPDB);

julia> residues = collect(eachresidue(protein))
   Array{Residue,1} with 3 residues.

julia> residues[1]
 Residue of name ALA with 12 atoms.
   index name resname chain   resnum  residue        x        y        z occup  beta model segname index_pdb
       1    N     ALA     A        1        1   -9.229  -14.861   -5.481  0.00  0.00     1    PROT         1
       2 1HT1     ALA     A        1        1  -10.048  -15.427   -5.569  0.00  0.00     1    PROT         2
       3  HT2     ALA     A        1        1   -9.488  -13.913   -5.295  0.00  0.00     1    PROT         3
      10  HB3     ALA     A        1        1   -9.164  -15.063   -8.765  1.00  0.00     1    PROT        10
      11    C     ALA     A        1        1   -7.227  -14.047   -6.599  1.00  0.00     1    PROT        11
      12    O     ALA     A        1        1   -7.083  -13.048   -7.303  1.00  0.00     1    PROT        12

These residue vector do not copy the data from the original atom vector. Therefore, changes performed on these vectors will be reflected on the original data.

It is possible also to iterate over the atoms of one or more residue:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> protein = readPDB(PDBTools.SMALLPDB);

julia> m_ALA = 0.
       for residue in eachresidue(protein)
         if name(residue) == "ALA"
           for atom in residue
             m_ALA += mass(atom)

Which, in this simple example, results in the same as:

julia> sum(mass(at) for at in protein if resname(at) == "ALA" )


julia> sum(mass(res) for res in eachresidue(protein) if resname(res) == "ALA" )

Using VMD

VMD is a very popular and powerful package for visualization of simulations. It contains a very versatile library to read topologies and trajectory files, and a powerful selection syntax. We provide here a wrapper to VMD which allows using its capabilities.


The select_with_vmd with all the described cababilities is available in PDBTools v1.0.0 or greater.

For example, the solute can be defined with:

indices, names = select_with_vmd("./system.gro","protein",vmd="/usr/bin/vmd")

The output will contain two lists, one of atom indices (one-based) and atom names. The indices correspond to sequential indices in the input, not the indices written in the PDB file, for example.

The input may also be a vector of atoms of type PDBTools.Atom:

atoms = readPDB("mypdbfile.pdb")
indices, names = select_with_vmd(atoms,"protein",vmd="/usr/bin/vmd")

If vmd is available in your path, there is no need to pass it as a keyword parameter.

The main advantage here is that all the file types and the complete selection syntax that VMD supports are supported. But VMD needs to be installed and is run in background, and it takes a few seconds to run.

Loading vmd scripts

The select_with_vmd function also accepts an optional keyword parameter srcload, which can be used to load custom scripts within vmd before running setting the selection. This allows the definition of tcl scripts with custom selection macros, for instance. The usage would be:

sel = select_with_vmd("file.pdb", "resname MYRES"; srcload = [ "mymacros1.tcl", "mymacros2.tcl" ])

Which corresponds to sourceing each of the macro files in VMD before defining the selection with the custom MYRES name.


VMD uses 0-based indexing and select_with_vmd adjusts that. However, if a selection is performed by index, as with index 1, VMD will select the second atom, and the output will be [2]. Selections by type, name, segment, residue name, etc, will be consistent with one-based indexing.