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These entries can be accessed from the Julia REPL by typing ?
, for example,
julia> ? mass
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mass(name::String or atom::Atom or Vector{Atom})
Returns the mass of an atom given its name, or Atom structure, or the total mass of a vector of Atoms.
julia> atoms = [ Atom(name="NT3"), Atom(name="CA") ];
julia> mass(atoms[1])
julia> mass("CA")
julia> mass(atoms)
— TypeAtom::DataType
Structure that contains the atom properties. It is mutable, so it can be edited. Fields:
mutable struct Atom
index::Int # The sequential index of the atoms in the file
index_pdb::Int # The index as written in the PDB file (might be anything)
name::String # Atom name
resname::String # Residue name
chain::String # Chain identifier
resnum::Int # Number of residue as written in PDB file
residue::Int # Sequential residue (molecule) number in file
x::Float64 # x coordinate
y::Float64 # y coordinate
z::Float64 # z coordinate
beta::Float64 # temperature factor
occup::Float64 # occupancy
model::Int # model number
segname::String # Segment name (cols 73:76)
pdb_element::String # Element symbol string (cols 77:78)
charge::String # Charge (cols: 79:80)
custom::Dict{Symbol, Any} # Custom fields
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.SMALLPDB)
Array{Atoms,1} with 35 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z occup beta model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 1
2 1HT1 ALA A 1 1 -10.048 -15.427 -5.569 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 2
3 HT2 ALA A 1 1 -9.488 -13.913 -5.295 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 3
33 OD2 ASP A 3 3 -6.974 -11.289 -9.300 1.00 0.00 1 PROT 33
34 C ASP A 3 3 -2.626 -10.480 -7.749 1.00 0.00 1 PROT 34
35 O ASP A 3 3 -1.940 -10.014 -8.658 1.00 0.00 1 PROT 35
julia> resname(atoms[1])
julia> chain(atoms[1])
julia> element(atoms[1])
julia> mass(atoms[1])
julia> position(atoms[1])
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
The pdb_element
and charge
fields, which are frequently left empty in PDB files, are not printed. The direct access to the fields is considered part of the interface.
Custom fields can be set on Atom
construction with the custom
keyword argument, which receives a Dict{Symbol,Any}
as parameter. They can be retrieved with the custom_field
function or, if the custom field names does not overlap with an existing field, with the dot syntax. Requires PDBTools > 0.14.3.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atom = Atom(index = 0; custom=Dict(:c => "c", :index => 1));
julia> atom.c
julia> index(atom)
julia> custom_field(atom, :index)
— TypeResidue(atoms::AbstractVector{Atom}, range::UnitRange{Int})
Residue data structure. It contains two fields: atoms
which is a vector of Atom
elements, and range
, which indicates which atoms of the atoms
vector compose the residue.
The Residue structure carries the properties of the residue or molecule of the atoms it contains, but it does not copy the original vector of atoms, only the residue meta data for each residue.
julia> pdb = wget("1LBD");
julia> residues = collect(eachresidue(pdb))
Array{Residue,1} with 238 residues.
julia> resnum.(residues[1:3])
3-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> residues[5].chain
julia> residues[8].range
— TypeSelect
This structure acts a function when used within typical julia filtering functions, by converting a string selection into a call to query call.
Using a string to select the CA atoms of the first residue:
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "protein");
julia> findfirst(Select("name CA"), atoms)
julia> filter(Select("name CA and residue 1"), atoms)
Array{Atoms,1} with 1 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z occup beta model segname index_pdb
5 CA ALA A 1 1 -8.483 -14.912 -6.726 1.00 0.00 1 PROT 5
— TypeSequence
Wrapper for strings, or vectors of chars, strings, or residue names, to dispatch on functions that operate on amino acid sequences.
julia> seq = ["Alanine", "Glutamic acid", "Glycine"];
julia> mass(Sequence(seq))
julia> seq = "AEG";
julia> mass(Sequence(seq))
— Methodatomic_number(atom::Atom)
Returns the atomic number of an atom from its Atom
julia> using PDBTools
julia> at = Atom(name="NT3");
julia> atomic_number(at)
— Methodclosest(x,y)
Computes the minimum distance between two sets of atoms and returns the indices of the atoms and their distance. Both vector of atoms or vectors of coordinates can be used as input.
julia> model = wget("1BSX");
julia> protein = select(model,"protein");
julia> ligand = select(model,"resname T3");
julia> closest(ligand,protein)
(43, 3684, 2.7775834820937417)
julia> ligand[43]
4037 O1 T3 B 2 512 -22.568 81.625 3.159 36.59 1.00 1 - 4041
julia> closest(ligand[43],protein)
(1, 3684, 2.7775834820937417)
julia> x = coor(protein)
3994-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[52.884, 24.022, 35.587]
[52.916, 24.598, 36.993]
[-46.887, 86.925, 13.235]
[-47.164, 83.593, 15.25]
julia> closest(ligand,x)
(43, 3684, 2.7775834820937417)
— Methodadd_element!(symbol::String, reference_element::PDBTools.Element; elements=PDBTools.elements)
Add a new element to the elements dictionary. If the element already exists, overwrite it.
To remove all custom elements, use remove_custom_elements!()
julia> using PDBTools
julia> remove_custom_elements!(); # if any
julia> atoms = [ Atom(name="A1"), Atom(name="A2") ];
julia> add_element!("A1", PDBTools.elements["C"])
PDBTools.Element(:C, "C", "Carbon", 6, 12.011, true)
julia> add_element!("A2", PDBTools.elements["N"])
PDBTools.Element(:N, "N", "Nitrogen", 7, 14.0067, true)
julia> element(atoms[1])
julia> element(atoms[2])
julia> mass(atoms)
julia> remove_custom_elements!();
Here we repeteadly call remove_custom_elements!()
to guarantee the proper execution of the test codes, without any custom elements predefined.
— Methodadd_hydrogens!(atoms::AbstractVector{Atom}; pH=7.0, obabel="obabel", debug=false)
Add hydrogens to a PDB file using Open Babel.
: structure (usually PDB file of a protein) to add hydrogens to.pH
: the pH of the solution. Default is 7.0.obabel
: path to the obabel executable. Default is "obabel".debug
: if true, print the output message from obabel. Default is false.
This function requires the installation of OpenBabel. Please cite the corresponding reference if using it.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "protein and not element H");
julia> add_hydrogens!(atoms)
Array{Atoms,1} with 1459 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z occup beta model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 1.00 0.00 1 - 1
2 CA ALA A 1 1 -8.483 -14.912 -6.726 1.00 0.00 1 - 2
3 CB ALA A 1 1 -9.383 -14.465 -7.880 1.00 0.00 1 - 3
1457 H THR A 104 208 5.886 -10.722 -7.797 1.00 0.00 1 - 1457
1458 H THR A 104 208 5.871 -10.612 -9.541 1.00 0.00 1 - 1458
1459 H THR A 104 208 6.423 -12.076 -8.762 1.00 0.00 1 - 1459
— Methodadd_protein_residue!(resname::String, reference_residue::PDBTools.ProteinResidue)
Function to add a custom protein residue to the list of protein residues. The function will return the ProteinResidue
object that was added. To remove all custom protein residues use remove_custom_protein_residues!()
julia> using PDBTools
julia> remove_custom_protein_residues!();
julia> add_protein_residue!("sA", PDBTools.protein_residues["ALA"])
PDBTools.ProteinResidue("sA", "ALA", "A", "Aliphatic", false, false, 71.037114, 71.0779, 0, true)
julia> isprotein(Atom(resname="sA"))
julia> remove_custom_protein_residues!(); # clean up
Here we repeteadly call remove_custom_residues!()
to guarantee the proper execution of the test codes, without any custom residues in the list of protein residues.
— Methodcenter_of_mass(atoms::AbstractVector{<:Atom})
Calculate the center of mass of the atoms.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.SMALLPDB);
julia> center_of_mass(atoms)
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
— Methodcoor(atoms; selection)
Returns the coordinates of the atoms. The input may be one atom (type Atom
), a vector of atoms, or a Residue
. The coordinates are returned as a vector of static vectors (from StaticArrays
), more specifically as a Vector{SVector{3,Float64}}
julia> using PDBTools, StaticArrays
julia> protein = wget("1LBD");
julia> coor(protein[1])
3-element SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
julia> coor(protein[1],as=SVector{3,Float32})
3-element SVector{3, Float32} with indices SOneTo(3):
julia> coor(protein, "index <= 2")
2-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[45.228, 84.358, 70.638]
[46.08, 83.165, 70.327]
julia> coor(protein, only = at -> at.resname == "ALA")
110-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[43.94, 81.982, 70.474]
[43.02, 80.825, 70.455]
[41.996, 80.878, 69.34]
[-17.866, 84.088, 51.741]
[-18.496, 83.942, 52.777]
[-15.888, 82.583, 51.706]
julia> residues = collect(eachresidue(protein));
julia> coor(residues[1])
6-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[45.228, 84.358, 70.638]
[46.08, 83.165, 70.327]
[45.257, 81.872, 70.236]
[45.823, 80.796, 69.974]
[47.147, 82.98, 71.413]
[46.541, 82.639, 72.662]
— Methoddistance(x,y)
Computes the minimum distance between two sets of atoms, between an atom and a set of atoms, or simply the distance between two atoms. The input may be a vector of Atom
s, or the coordinates that are output of the coor
julia> model = wget("1BSX");
julia> protein = select(model,"protein");
julia> ligand = select(model,"resname T3");
julia> distance(protein,ligand)
julia> distance(protein[1],ligand[3])
julia> distance(coor(ligand),protein)
— Methodeachresidue(atoms::AbstractVector{Atom})
Iterator for the residues (or molecules) of a selection.
julia> atoms = wget("1LBD");
julia> length(eachresidue(atoms))
julia> for res in eachresidue(atoms)
Residue of name SER with 6 atoms.
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N SER A 225 1 45.228 84.358 70.638 67.05 1.00 1 - 1
2 CA SER A 225 1 46.080 83.165 70.327 68.73 1.00 1 - 2
3 C SER A 225 1 45.257 81.872 70.236 67.90 1.00 1 - 3
4 O SER A 225 1 45.823 80.796 69.974 64.85 1.00 1 - 4
5 CB SER A 225 1 47.147 82.980 71.413 70.79 1.00 1 - 5
6 OG SER A 225 1 46.541 82.639 72.662 73.55 1.00 1 - 6
Residue of name ALA with 5 atoms.
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
7 N ALA A 226 2 43.940 81.982 70.474 67.09 1.00 1 - 7
8 CA ALA A 226 2 43.020 80.825 70.455 63.69 1.00 1 - 8
9 C ALA A 226 2 41.996 80.878 69.340 59.69 1.00 1 - 9
— Methodedit!(atoms::Vector{Atom})
Opens a temporary PDB file in which the fields of the vector of atoms can be edited.
— Methodelement(atom::Atom)
Returns the element symbol, as a string, of an atom given the Atom
structure. If the pdb_element
is empty or "X", the element is inferred from the atom name. Othwerwise, the pdb_element
is returned.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> at = Atom(name="NT3");
julia> element(at)
— Methodelement_name(atom::Atom)
Returns the element name of an atom given its name, or Atom
julia> using PDBTools
julia> at = Atom(name="NT3");
julia> element_name(at)
— Methodelement_symbol(atom::Atom)
Returns a symbol for element name of an atom given its name, or Atom
julia> using PDBTools
julia> at = Atom(name="NT3");
julia> element_symbol(at)
— Methodelement_symbol_string(atom::Atom)
Returns a string with the symbol of the element, given the Atom
julia> using PDBTools
julia> at = Atom(name="NT3");
julia> element_symbol_string(at)
— Methodformula(atoms::AbstractVector{Atom})
Returns the molecular formula of the current selection.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> pdb = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "residue 1"); # testing PDB file
julia> resname(pdb[1])
julia> formula(pdb)
— Methodgetseq(Vector{Atom} or filename; selection, code)
Returns the sequence of aminoacids from the vector of atoms or file name. Selections may be applied. Code defines if the output will be a one-letter, three-letter or full-residue name array.
julia> protein = wget("1LBD");
julia> getseq(protein,"residue < 3")
2-element Vector{String}:
julia> getseq(protein,"residue < 3", code=2)
2-element Vector{String}:
julia> getseq(protein,"residue < 3",code=3)
2-element Vector{String}:
— Methodmass(atom::Atom)
Returns the mass of an atom given its name, or Atom
structure, or the total mass of a vector of Atom
If a mass is defined as a custom field in the the Atom
structure, it is returned. Otherwise, the mass is retrieved from the element mass as inferred from the atom name.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = [ Atom(name="NT3"), Atom(name="CA") ];
julia> mass(atoms[1])
julia> mass(atoms)
— Methodmass(s::Sequence)
Returns the mass of a sequence of amino acids, given a Sequence
struct type.
julia> seq = ["Alanine", "Glutamic acid", "Glycine"];
julia> mass(Sequence(seq))
julia> seq = "AEG";
julia> mass(Sequence(seq))
julia> seq = ["ALA", "GLU", "GLY"];
julia> mass(Sequence(seq))
— Methodmaxmin(atoms::Vector{Atom}; selection)
Returns the maximum and minimum coordinates of an atom vector, and the length (maximum minus minimum) in each direction.
julia> protein = wget("1LBD");
julia> maxmin(protein)
Minimum atom coordinates: xmin = [-29.301, 57.178, 45.668]
Maximum atom coordinates: xmax = [47.147, 99.383, 86.886]
Length in each direction: xlength = [76.448, 42.205, 41.217999999999996]
— Methodmoveto!(atoms::AbstractVector{<:Atom}; center::AbstractVector{<:Real}=SVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Move the center of mass of the atoms to the specified center
position, which defaults to the origin.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.SMALLPDB);
julia> center_of_mass(atoms)
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
julia> moveto!(atoms; center = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
julia> center_of_mass(atoms)
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
— Methodoneletter(residue::Union{String,Char})
Function to return a one-letter residue code from the three letter code or residue name. The function is case-insensitive.
julia> oneletter("ALA")
julia> oneletter("Glutamic acid")
— Methodprintatom(atom::Atom)
Prints an Atom
structure in a human-readable format, with a title line.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "protein and residue 2");
julia> printatom(atoms[1])
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z occup beta model segname index_pdb
13 N CYS A 2 2 -6.351 -14.461 -5.695 1.00 0.00 1 PROT 13
julia> atoms[1] # default show method
13 N CYS A 2 2 -6.351 -14.461 -5.695 1.00 0.00 1 PROT 13
— FunctionreadPDB(pdbfile::String, selection::String)
readPDB(pdbfile::String; only::Function = all)
readPDB(pdbdata::IOBuffer, selection::String)
readPDB(pdbdata::IOBuffer; only::Function = all)
Reads a PDB file and stores the data in a vector of type Atom
If a selection is provided, only the atoms matching the selection will be read. For example, resname ALA
will select all the atoms in the residue ALA.
If the only
function keyword is provided, only the atoms for which only(atom)
is true will be read.
julia> protein = readPDB("../test/structure.pdb")
Array{Atoms,1} with 62026 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1
2 HT1 ALA A 1 1 -10.048 -15.427 -5.569 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 2
62025 H1 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.218 -3.647 -34.453 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62025
62026 H2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 12.618 -4.977 -34.303 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62026
julia> ALA = readPDB("../test/structure.pdb","resname ALA")
Array{Atoms,1} with 72 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1
2 HT1 ALA A 1 1 -10.048 -15.427 -5.569 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 2
1339 C ALA A 95 95 14.815 -3.057 -5.633 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1339
1340 O ALA A 95 95 14.862 -2.204 -6.518 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1340
julia> ALA = readPDB("../test/structure.pdb", only = atom -> atom.resname == "ALA")
Array{Atoms,1} with 72 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1
2 HT1 ALA A 1 1 -10.048 -15.427 -5.569 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 2
1339 C ALA A 95 95 14.815 -3.057 -5.633 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1339
1340 O ALA A 95 95 14.862 -2.204 -6.518 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1340
— Functionremove_custom_elements!()
Remove all custom elements from the elements dictionary.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> remove_custom_elements!();
julia> add_element!("GN", PDBTools.elements["N"])
PDBTools.Element(:N, "N", "Nitrogen", 7, 14.0067, true)
julia> element(Atom(name="GN"))
julia> remove_custom_elements!();
julia> element(Atom(name="GN")) # returns `nothing`
Here we repeteadly call remove_custom_elements!()
to guarantee the proper execution of the test codes, without any custom elements predefined.
— Methodremove_custom_protein_residues!()
Function to remove all custom protein residues from the list of protein residues.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> remove_custom_protein_residues!(); # clean up
julia> add_protein_residue!("sA", PDBTools.protein_residues["ALA"])
PDBTools.ProteinResidue("sA", "ALA", "A", "Aliphatic", false, false, 71.037114, 71.0779, 0, true)
julia> isprotein(Atom(resname="sA"))
julia> remove_custom_protein_residues!();
julia> isprotein(Atom(resname="sA"))
Here we repeteadly call remove_custom_residues!()
to guarantee the proper execution of the test codes, without any custom residues in the list of protein residues.
— Methodresidue_ticks(
atoms (or) residues (or) residue iterator;
first=nothing, last=nothing, stride=1, oneletter=true, serial=true
Returns a tuple with residue numbers and residue names for the given atoms, to be used as tick labels in plots.
The structure data can be provided a vector of Atom
s, a vector of Residue
s or an EachResidue
and last
optional keyword parameters are integers that refer to the residue numbers to be included. The stride
option can be used to skip residues and declutter the tick labels.
If oneletter
is false
, three-letter residue codes are returned. Residues with unknown names will be named X
or XXX
If serial=true
the sequential residue index will be used as the index of the ticks. If instead serial=false
, the positions will be set to the residue numbers.
julia> using PDBTools
julia> atoms = wget("1LBD", "protein");
julia> residue_ticks(atoms; stride=50) # Vector{Atom} as input
(1:50:201, ["S225", "Q275", "L325", "L375", "L425"])
julia> residue_ticks(atoms; first=235, last=240, serial=false) # first=10 and resnum indexing
([235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240], ["I235", "L236", "E237", "A238", "E239", "L240"])
julia> residue_ticks(eachresidue(atoms); stride=50) # residue iterator as input
(1:50:201, ["S225", "Q275", "L325", "L375", "L425"])
julia> residue_ticks(collect(eachresidue(atoms)); stride=50) # Vector{Residue} as input
(1:50:201, ["S225", "Q275", "L325", "L375", "L425"])
The resulting tuple of residue numbers and labels can be used as xticks
in Plots.plot
, for example.
— Methodresiduename(residue::Union{String,Char})
Function to return the long residue name from other residue codes. The function is case-insensitive.
julia> residuename("A")
julia> residuename("Glu")
"Glutamic Acid"
— Methodresname(residue::Union{String,Char})
Returns the residue name, given the one-letter code or residue name. Differently from threeletter
, this function will return the force-field name if available in the list of protein residues.
julia> resname("ALA")
julia> resname("GLUP")
— Methodselect_with_vmd(inputfile::String, selection::String; vmd="vmd", srcload=nothing)
select_with_vmd(atoms::AbstractVector{<:Atom}, selection::String; vmd="vmd", srcload=nothing)
Select atoms using vmd selection syntax, with vmd in background. The input can be a file or a list of atoms.
Returns a tuple with list of index (one-based) and atom names of the selection.
Function to return the selection from a input file (topology, coordinates, etc), by calling VMD in the background.
The srcload
argument can be used to load a list of scripts before loading the input file, for example with macros to define custom selection keywords.
— Methodstoichiometry(atoms::AbstractVector{Atom})
Returns the stoichiometry of atom selection in a Formula
julia> using PDBTools
julia> pdb = readPDB(PDBTools.TESTPDB, "water"); # testing PDB file
julia> stoichiometry(pdb)
— Methodthreeletter(residue::String)
Function to return the three-letter natural-amino acid residue code from the one-letter code or residue name. The function is case-insensitive.
julia> threeletter("A")
julia> threeletter("Aspartic acid")
julia> threeletter("HSD")
— Methodwget(PDBid; selection)
Retrieves a PDB file from the protein data bank. Selections may be applied.
julia> protein = wget("1LBD","chain A")
Array{Atoms,1} with 1870 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N SER A 225 1 45.228 84.358 70.638 67.05 1.00 1 - 1
2 CA SER A 225 1 46.080 83.165 70.327 68.73 1.00 1 - 2
3 C SER A 225 1 45.257 81.872 70.236 67.90 1.00 1 - 3
1868 OG1 THR A 462 238 -27.462 74.325 48.885 79.98 1.00 1 - 1868
1869 CG2 THR A 462 238 -27.063 71.965 49.222 78.62 1.00 1 - 1869
1870 OXT THR A 462 238 -25.379 71.816 51.613 84.35 1.00 1 - 1870
— MethodwritePDB(atoms::Vector{Atom}, filename, selection; header=:auto, footer=:auto)
Write a PDB file with the atoms in atoms
to filename
. The selection
argument is a string that can be used to select a subset of the atoms in atoms
. For example, writePDB(atoms, "test.pdb", "name CA")
The header
and footer
arguments can be used to add a header and footer to the PDB file. If header
is :auto
, then a header will be added with the number of atoms in atoms
. If footer
is :auto
, then a footer will be added with the "END" keyword. Either can be set to nothing
if no header or footer is desired.