A note on parallel load balancing

When running a parallel calculation, it is a good idea to divide the workload into chunks of known size. We have developed a simple package, ChunkSplitters.jl to perform such splitting. Here we make some considerations on why it should be used and how to cope with highly uneven parallel workloads.

Using @threads and @spawn

To simulate a highly uneven workload, first we create a function that occupies a processor for a known amount of time given an input. Like a sleep function, but that actually does some work and doesn't let the processor free:

julia> function work_for(;time=1, cycles_for_one_second=4*10^7)
           x = 0.0
           for i in 1:time*cycles_for_one_second
               x += abs(sin(log(i)))
           return x

julia> @time work_for(time=0.5)
  0.507590 seconds

with that number of cycles the function takes roughly 1 second in my laptop if time == 1. By changing the input time we can now create very uneven workloads in a parallel run.

For example, let us sum N = 120 random numbers but introducing the call to work_for at each iteration, with a time proportional to the index of the iteration (time = i*dt):

julia> using BenchmarkTools 

julia> function sum_N(;N=120, dt=0.001)
           s = 0
           for i in 1:N
               s += rand()
           return s

julia> @btime sum_N()
  8.144 s (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The function takes about 8 seconds. It is slow, and we want to parallelize it. However, the workload is very uneven, as the work_for call for i == 1 takes 0.001 s, and for i == 120 it takes 0.12 s.

We will now write a parallel version of this sum, using the Julia Base @threads macro. We have initialized julia with julia -t 12, such that 12 threads are available. We will also count the number of tasks executed by each thread, accumulated in the n array:

julia> using Base.Threads 

julia> function sum_N_threads(;N=120, dt=0.001)
           s = zeros(nthreads())
           n = zeros(Int, nthreads())
           @threads for i in 1:N
               s[threadid()] += rand()
               n[threadid()] += 1
           return sum(s), n

julia> @btime sum_N_threads()
  1.422 s (80 allocations: 7.47 KiB)
(50.43661472139146, [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10])

The function is about 7-8 times faster, with 12 threads. Note, also, that each thread as responsible for exactly 10 tasks, and this is not optimal given the uneven workload involved.


We have used threadid() here, which is not a recommended pattern, because in some situations thread migration can cause concurrency problems. In fact, this is main reason for the existence of ChunkSplitters.jl, but here we will discuss the additional gains associated with a finer control of the parallelization.

Let us try to use @spawn instead:

julia> function sum_N_spawn(;N=120, dt=0.001)
           s = zeros(nthreads())
           n = zeros(Int, nthreads())
           @sync for i in 1:N
               @spawn begin
                   s[threadid()] += rand() 
                   n[threadid()] += 1 
           return sum(s), n

julia> @btime sum_N_spawn()
  961.869 ms (628 allocations: 64.86 KiB)
(62.64823839506871, [11, 11, 9, 9, 10, 9, 12, 10, 10, 10, 8, 11])

So @spawn did a better job, because while @threads assigns the workload to each thread in advance, @spawn does not, and will use the available threads as they become free.

Nevertheless, @spawn has launched a different task for each workload, and that is reflected in the greater number of allocations it involved. We can see this more clearly if the number of tasks is much greater (N=100*120, but we reduce dt to keep reasonable running times):

With @threads:

julia> @btime sum_N_threads(N=120*10^2, dt=1e-7)
  1.389 s (75 allocations: 7.31 KiB)
(5945.862883176399, [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])

and now with @spawn:

julia> @btime sum_N_spawn(N=100*120, dt=1e-7)
  911.976 ms (65901 allocations: 6.45 MiB)
(6010.25758204897, [996, 942, 1023, 1019, 984, 1027, 989, 995, 989, 1016, 994, 1026])

The @spawn strategy still gains in execution time, but we note that the memory allocated by it increased significantly, which can be an issue for the parallelization of large collections. On the other side, @threads allocates only a minimal set of auxiliary buffers.

Can we have the best of both worlds?

Using ChunkSplitters

ChunkSplitters provides an additional control over the chunking of the tasks, and can be used with @threads or @spawn as the underlying parallel protocol.

The function above will be implemented initially with @threads as:

julia> using ChunkSplitters

julia> function sum_N_chunks(;N=120, dt=0.001, nchunks=nthreads(), chunk_type=:batch)
           s = zeros(nchunks)
           n = zeros(Int, nchunks)
           @threads for (i_range, i_chunk) in chunks(1:N, nchunks, chunk_type)
               for i in i_range
                   s[i_chunk] += rand()
                   n[i_chunk] += 1
           return sum(s), n

We can now choose the number of chunks in which the workload is divided (by default nchunks=nthreads()), and each chunk will be assigned to one thread. A range of indexes of the collection 1:N will be stored in i_range and associated with the chunk i_chunk. We get rid, with this, of the use of threadid(), which is nice, because thread migration cannot affect our result anymore.

We initially use the :batch chunking type, which will just divide the workload consecutively. This will be similar to what @threads does, and since there is a correlation between index and cost of the task, this is not optimal:

julia> @btime sum_N_chunks(N=100*120, dt=1e-7)
  1.463 s (77 allocations: 7.56 KiB)
(6035.277380219111, [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])

We have, now the option to create chunks scattered through the workload, and that can be effective to distribute the workload better given the known correlation of index and cost:

julia> @btime sum_N_chunks(N=100*120, dt=1e-7, chunk_type=:scatter)
  898.642 ms (77 allocations: 7.56 KiB)
(6073.279878329541, [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])

Note that, in this specific case, the :scatter chunking is optimal, because it will assign the tasks in an alternating fashion to the threads. Associated with the small allocation cost, the result can be faster than @spawning the tasks on demand.

We can also use @spawn with ChunkSplitters, with:

julia> function sum_N_chunks(;N=120, dt=0.001, nchunks=nthreads(), chunk_type=:batch)
           s = zeros(nchunks)
           n = zeros(Int, nchunks)
           @sync for (i_range, i_chunk) in chunks(1:N, nchunks, chunk_type)
               @spawn for i in i_range
                   s[i_chunk] += rand()
                   n[i_chunk] += 1
           return sum(s), n

Which gives us with the :batch chunking mode a suboptimal performance, because the workload is divided by thread in advance:

julia> @btime sum_N_chunks(N=100*120, dt=1e-7, chunk_type=:batch)
  1.457 s (117 allocations: 8.66 KiB)
(5974.13618602343, [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])

We can, nevertheless, use a different strategy here, which is to increase the number of chunks, thus reducing the individual cost of each task. The number of spawned tasks can now be controlled by the nchunks parameter:

julia> @btime sum_N_chunks(N=100*120, dt=1e-7, nchunks=144, chunk_type=:batch)
  907.016 ms (1037 allocations: 88.39 KiB)
(5993.798439269024, [84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84  …  83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83])

Here we are in the middle ground between a simple @spawn strategy which launches a different task for each calculation, and a @thread strategy which launches nthreads() tasks. Yet, note that the memory allocated is much less than with the simple use of @spawn.

We can, of course, use the :scatter chunking here as well:

julia> @btime sum_N_chunks(N=100*120, dt=1e-7, chunk_type=:scatter)
  958.821 ms (112 allocations: 8.50 KiB)
(5981.069201763822, [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])

which, compared to the :batch chunking, is faster, but it does not perform necessarily better in this example than the combination of :scatter and @threads, because here this choice promotes the ideal load balancing.