Replica exchange analysis

The remd_data function reads the output of a Gromacs-generated replica-exchange simulation file, and provides some tools for visualization of the quality of the exchange process.


This function was introduced in MolSimToolkit version 1.1.0.

The function was tested to read log files produced by Gromacs versions:

  • 2019.4
  • 5.0.4

Compatibility with other versions is not guaranteed (issue reporting and contributions are welcome).

The heatmap and the support for the stride argument in remd_replica_path where introduced in version 1.6.0

Reading REMD data

First, read the data from the Gromacs simulation log file:

julia> using MolSimToolkit

julia> data = remd_data(MolSimToolkit.remd_production_log)

where MolSimToolkit.hremd_production_log is an example log file produced by Gromacs.

This will result in a data structure with three fields:

  • steps: Vector of steps at which the exchange was performed.
  • exchange_matrix: Matrix of exchanges performed. Each row corresponds to a step and each column to a replica.
  • probability_matrix: Matrix of probabilities of finding each replica at level of perturbation. Each column corresponds to a replica and each row to a level of perturbation.

Probability heatmap

One way to visualize the exchange it to produce a heatmap of expected probabilities. This can be done with the auxiliary heatmap function that is provided for the output of remd_data:

using MolSimToolkit
using Plots
data = remd_data("./gromacs_log.dat")

Which will produce a plot of the following form:

The number of replicas here is 10 (0-9), thus the expected ideal probability of finding each replica in each level is $1/10$. The probabilities are divided by $1/10$, such that $1.0$ implies an optimal exchange at that replica and level.

The example displays a reasonably good replica exchange pattern. However, replica 2 sampled level 0 about 30% more than expected, and replica 8 sampled level 0 about 30% less than expected, as indicated by the 1.3 and 0.7 annotations.

To produce a similar heatmap, but with the absolute (not normalized) probabilities of observing each replica at each level, use heatmap(data; probability_type=:absolute).


The probability_type option of heatmap was introduced in version 1.7.0.

Replica path

A heatmap as the one above suggests checking the path of the replicas along the exchange. This can be obtained with the remd_replica_path function. For example, to obtain the path of the replicas of number 0 and 1. Replica 0 appeares to have visited reasonably well all levels from 0 to 12, and replica 1 appears to be trapped in leves 13 to 15.

# Obtain the paths
path0 = remd_replica_path(data, 0; stride = 500)
path1 = remd_replica_path(data, 1; stride = 500)

# Plot the path
default(fontfamily="Computer Modern")
  [path0  path1],
  ylabel="replica level",
  label=[ "Replica 0" "Replica 1" ],

Producing the following plot:

The plot confirms that the replica starting at position 0 sampled properly all states from 0 to 12, while the replica starting at position 1 was trapped in the high energy states.

Probability data

An alternative visualization of the exchange process is given by the probability matrix:

julia> scatter(
           labels= Ref("Replica ") .* string.((0:9)'),
           ylims=(0,0.12), xlims=(0.7, 10.3),
           xlabel="Level", xticks=(1:10, 0:9),

Which produces:


Ideally, the probability of each replica populaing each level should be the inverse of the number of replicas (here $1/10$). In this case, the simulation does not provide a proper sampling of exchanges, becuse it is a short extract of a longer simulation.

Reference functions


Function to read the log file from a (H)REMD simulation performed with Gromacs.

Returns a GromacsREMDlog structure, containing the steps at which the exchange was tried, the exchange matrix and the probability matrix. The exchange matrix contains the replica number at each level of perturbation for each step. The probability matrix contains the probability of finding each replica at each level.

Tested with log files of Gromacs versions: - 2019.4 - 5.0.4


First obtaina the REMD data from the log file:

julia> using MolSimToolkit

julia> data = remd_data(MolSimToolkit.gmx2019_9_log)

Then plot the exchange matrix, which will provide a visual inspection of the exchange process:

julia> using Plots

julia> heatmap(data) 
remd_replica_path(data::GromacsREMDlog, replica::Integer; stride::Integer = 1)

Function to obtain the path of a replica in the exchange matrix.


Structure to store the log from a REMD simulation performed with Gromacs. This structure contains three fields:

  • steps: Vector of steps at which the exchange was performed.
  • exchange_matrix: Matrix of exchanges performed. Each row corresponds to a step and each column to a replica.
  • probability_matrix: Matrix of probabilities of finding each replica at level of perturbation. Each column corresponds to a replica and each row to a level of perturbation.