Cluster submission management


This is an experimental feature. Breaking changes may occur without a breaking package release.

The Coaraci module of MolSimToolkit manages the submission of multiple independent tasks in a single job of a cluster, where the job requested multiple nodes. For example, a job requests 20 nodes from a SLURM computer cluster, and the goal is to run independent simulations on each of the nodes. This script will distribute the simulations in the nodes and, when more nodes than simulations are available, release the spare nodes to the cluster.

Currently fully supports the SLURM cluster manager. Partial support for PBS is available.


The Coaraci module was introduced in MolSimToolkit v1.20.0

SLURM/Gromacs example

The submission script

Consider the following script to submit a job in a SLURM cluster. Here, we aim to run many (more than 20) independent simulations, and we request 20 nodes from the cluster. Each simulation will run in 48 cores inside each node.

#SBATCH -n 48
#SBATCH --job-name test
#SBATCH --nodes 20
#SBATCH --partition=paralela
#SBATCH -o /home/users/test/proteina/job_files/out_tmao_replica13.txt
#SBATCH -e /home/users/test/proteina/job_files/err_tmao_replica13.txt


#### Run the Julia script
julia simulations.jl

The Julia script

Let us call this script simulations.jl, which is invoked by the submission script, as shown above.

using MolSimToolkit: Coaraci

# Define a structure that contains all the data required to run your simulations.
# none of the fields is mandatory, but here they will be used.
@kwdef struct SimulationData

# MANDATORY: Define these 3 functions:
# Define `task_run`: which is the command that runs a single simulation, possibly using as arguments
# the simulation data
Coaraci.task_run(s::SimulationData) = "/home/ander/run_script/ $(s.dir) $(s.cosolvent)"

# Define a function `task_finished` that recognizes if a simulation was already run.
Coaraci.task_finished(s::SimulationData) = isfile(joinpath(s.dir,s.finish_file))

# Define a function `title` that sets the title of the run:
Coaraci.task_title(s::SimulationData) = s.title

# Simulation list: the following will create a list of simulations
# that have to be executed. Each simulation is defined by a directory.
# Here, we construct the directory names with the specifiers of each
# simulation. Important: the result is a list of **full** directories
# paths for each simulation.
concentrations = [ "0.1" "0.2" ]
replicas = [ "replica1", "replica2" ]
# This is the crucial part: build a proper list of simulation objects:
simulation_list = SimulationData[]
for conc in concentrations, rep in replicas
    sim = SimulationData(
    push!(simulation_list, sim)

# Execute the script that runs the simulations in parallel, one per node.
# The name of the log file of the script is set here.

The optional ntasks_per_node parameter can be set to define how many tasks are run per node. In this case, for example, if ntasks_per_node=2, the script that runs each task inside the node should request only half of the CPUs of the node, for maximal efficiency. By default, ntasks_per_node=1.

The script that runs a simulation inside a node

The following script receives 2 arguments, which are provided by the definition of task_run, in the script above. At the end of all simulations, the production.gro file is generated, which is then identified as the marker of a finished run. A finished run will not be run again.

And, finally, the script that submit the actual simulations, from within the node, and using, here 48 cores (in a single node), is, for example:

simulation_dir=$1 # first argument of script

# second argument of script: in this case, the cosolvent: can be used
# to label or run specific analyzes for the same simulation

n=48 # processors in this node

#### modules necessary to run Gromacs #########
module load hwloc
module load gnu12
module load openmpi4
module load gcc-runtime/12.2.0-gcc-12.2.0-lbbfl34
module load gcc-runtime/12.2.0-gcc-12.2.0-sqqkkcb
module load gromacs/2023-gcc-12.2.0-zktp5lx

# Important: go into simulation dir
cd $simulation_dir

# Run simulations: gromacs here
/home/users/apereira/softwares/packmol-20.15.1/packmol < box.inp > box.log
gmx_mpi grompp -f mim.mdp -c solvated.pdb -r solvated.pdb -p -o em.tpr -maxwarn 3 > /dev/null
mpirun -np $n gmx_mpi mdrun -v -deffnm em -ntomp 1  > /dev/null #  -npme 12 -dd 4 3 3

gmx_mpi grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -r em.gro -p -o nvt.tpr -maxwarn 3 > /dev/null
mpirun -np $n gmx_mpi mdrun -v -deffnm nvt -ntomp 1 > /dev/null

gmx_mpi grompp -f npt.mdp -c nvt.gro -r nvt.gro -p -o npt.tpr -maxwarn 3 > /dev/null
mpirun -np $n gmx_mpi mdrun -v -deffnm npt -ntomp 1 > /dev/null

gmx_mpi grompp -f prod.mdp -c npt.gro -r npt.gro -p -o prod.tpr -maxwarn 3 > /dev/null
mpirun -np $n gmx_mpi mdrun -v -deffnm prod -ntomp 1 > /dev/null

PBS example

The following script submits a job the parexp queue of a PBS cluster:

#PBS -N meuteste
#PBS -q parexp
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=48
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -e erros
#PBS -o saida

julia submission.jl

Where submission.jl is the following script, which sets up two very simple tasks that just wait some delay seconds to finish:

using MolSimToolkit: Coaraci
@kwdef struct TestTask 
Coaraci.task_finished(t::TestTask) = isfile(t.output_file)
Coaraci.task_title(t::TestTask) = t.title
Coaraci.task_run(t::TestTask) = "$dir/ $dir $(t.title) $(t.delay) $(t.output_file)"
task_list = [ 
    TestTask(title="A", delay=30, output_file="end1.txt"), 
    TestTask(title="B", delay= 2, output_file="end2.txt"),
Coaraci.simulate(task_list; ntasks_per_node=1)

and the script being executed is:

cd $1 # running dir
sleep $3 # delay
echo "running! $2 in $hname" > $4 # title and output_file name

Note that the delay is passed as the third argument of the execution. The script will run a 30s long task on the first node, and a 2s task on the second node. When the second task finishes, the second node is released. Note: PBS does not allow releasing the primary node, thus it will be kept even if no task is running on it.

Example log file

A typical log file will look like:

Starting Coaraci managed submissions: 2024-10-11 10:48:54
Cluster type: MolSimToolkit.Coaraci.PBS
JOB ID: 144830.ada
Nodes: adano62, adano72
Number of tasks per node: 1
Number of tasks to run: 2
1: running A in node adano62 (1 in this node)
2: running B in node adano72 (1 in this node)
2: B in node adano72 finished successfully after 2 seconds, 507 milliseconds.
> 1 nodes released. Keeping nodes: adano62
1: A in node adano62 finished successfully after 30 seconds, 480 milliseconds.
finished all tasks:
 - tasks finished successfully: 2
 - tasks finished with errors: 0
End Coaraci managed submissions: 2024-10-11 10:49:24
Total running time: 30 seconds, 762 milliseconds