Molecular Minimum Distances
Computes the minimum distance between molecules, which are represented as arrays of coordinates in two or three dimensions.
To understand the utility and purpose of this package, consider the image below:
Here, there is one blue molecule, with 6 atoms, and several red molecules, with 2 atoms each. The package has identified which are the molecules of the red set that have at leat one atom within a cutoff from the atoms of the blue molecule, and annotated the corresponding atoms and the distances.
- Fast cell-list approach, to compute minimum-distance for thousands, or millions of atoms.
- General periodic boundary conditions supported.
- Advanced mode for in-place calculations, for non-allocating iterative calls (for analysis of MD trajectories, for example).
- Modes for the calculation of minimum-distances in sets of molecules.
Most typical use: Understanding solvation
The most typical scenario is that of a protein, or another macromolecule, in a box of solvent. For example, here we download a frame of a protein which was simulated in a mixture of water and TMAO:
julia> using MolSimToolkit, PDBTools
julia> atoms = MolSimToolkit.MolecularMinimumDistances.download_example()
Array{Atoms,1} with 62026 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1
2 HT1 ALA A 1 1 -10.048 -15.427 -5.569 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 2
3 HT2 ALA A 1 1 -9.488 -13.913 -5.295 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 3
62024 OH2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.485 -4.534 -34.438 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62024
62025 H1 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.218 -3.647 -34.453 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62025
62026 H2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 12.618 -4.977 -34.303 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62026
Next, we extract the protein coordinates, and the TMAO coordinates:
julia> protein = coor(atoms,"protein")
1463-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-9.229, -14.861, -5.481]
[-10.048, -15.427, -5.569]
[-9.488, -13.913, -5.295]
[6.408, -12.034, -8.343]
[6.017, -10.967, -9.713]
julia> tmao = coor(atoms,"resname TMAO")
2534-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-23.532, -9.347, 19.545]
[-23.567, -7.907, 19.381]
[-22.498, -9.702, 20.497]
[13.564, -16.517, 12.419]
[12.4, -17.811, 12.052]
The system was simulated with periodic boundary conditions, with sides in this frame of [83.115, 83.044, 83.063]
, and this information will be provided to the minimum-distance computation.
Finally, we find all the TMAO molecules having at least one atom closer than 12 Angstroms to the protein, using the current package (TMAO has 14 atoms):
julia> list = minimum_distances(
xpositions=tmao, # solvent
ypositions=protein, # solute
unitcell=[83.115, 83.044, 83.063]
181-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2526, 97, 9.652277658666891)
julia> count(x -> x.within_cutoff, list)
Thus, 33 TMAO molecules are within the cutoff distance from the protein, and the distances can be used to study the solvation of the protein.
The coordination_number
function of this package essentially performs the above calculation iteratively along a trajectory. The source of of such function is simple and can be used to further understand the utility and usage of the minimum-distance calculations.
This package exists because this computation is fast. For example, let us choose the water molecules instead, and benchmark the time required to compute this set of distances:
julia> water = coor(atoms,"resname TIP3")
58014-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-28.223, 19.92, -27.748]
[-27.453, 20.358, -27.476]
[-27.834, 19.111, -28.148]
[13.218, -3.647, -34.453]
[12.618, -4.977, -34.303]
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime minimum_distances(
xpositions=$water, # solvent
ypositions=$protein, # solute
unitcell=[83.115, 83.044, 83.063]
6.288 ms (3856 allocations: 13.03 MiB)
To compare, a naive algorithm to compute the same thing takes roughly 400x more for this system size:
julia> @btime MolSimToolkit.MolecularMinimumDistances.naive_md($water, $protein, 3, [83.115, 83.044, 83.063], 12.0);
2.488 s (97 allocations: 609.16 KiB)
And the computation can be made faster and in-place using the more advanced interface that allows preallocation of main necessary arrays:
julia> sys = CrossPairs(
xpositions=water, # solvent
ypositions=protein, # solute
unitcell=[83.115, 83.044, 83.063]
CrossPairs system with:
Number of atoms of set: 58014
Number of atoms of target structure: 1463
Cutoff: 12.0
unitcell: [83.12, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 83.04, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 83.06]
Number of molecules in set: 4144
julia> @btime minimum_distances!($sys);
2.969 ms (196 allocations: 22.80 KiB)
The remaining allocations occur only for the launching of multiple threads:
julia> sys = CrossPairs(
xpositions=water, # solvent
ypositions=protein, # solute
unitcell=[83.115, 83.044, 83.063],
parallel=false # default is true
julia> @btime minimum_distances!($sys);
15.249 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Example input files
The examples here use a molecular system, but the package actually only considers the coordinates of the atoms and the number of atoms of each molecule. Thus, more general distance problems can be tackled.
The input atomic positions used in the following examples can be obtained with:
julia> using MolSimToolkit, PDBTools
julia> system = MolSimToolkit.MolecularMinimumDistances.download_example()
Array{Atoms,1} with 62026 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1 N ALA A 1 1 -9.229 -14.861 -5.481 0.00 1.00 1 PROT 1
2 HT1 ALA A 1 1 -10.048 -15.427 -5.569 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 2
3 HT2 ALA A 1 1 -9.488 -13.913 -5.295 0.00 0.00 1 PROT 3
62024 OH2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.485 -4.534 -34.438 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62024
62025 H1 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.218 -3.647 -34.453 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62025
62026 H2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 12.618 -4.977 -34.303 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62026
The system consists of a protein (with 1463 atoms), solvated by 181 TMAO molecules (with 14 atoms each), 19338 water molecules, and some ions.
These coordinates belong to a snapshot of a simulation which was performed with cubic periodic boundary conditions, with a box side of 84.48
The coordinates of each of the types of molecules can be extracted from the system
array of atoms with (using PDBTools
- v0.13
or greater):
julia> protein = coor(system,"protein")
1463-element Vector{StaticArrays.SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-9.229, -14.861, -5.481]
[-10.048, -15.427, -5.569]
[-9.488, -13.913, -5.295]
[6.408, -12.034, -8.343]
[6.017, -10.967, -9.713]
julia> tmao = coor(system,"resname TMAO")
2534-element Vector{StaticArrays.SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-23.532, -9.347, 19.545]
[-23.567, -7.907, 19.381]
[-22.498, -9.702, 20.497]
[13.564, -16.517, 12.419]
[12.4, -17.811, 12.052]
julia> water = coor(system,"water")
58014-element Vector{StaticArrays.SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-28.223, 19.92, -27.748]
[-27.453, 20.358, -27.476]
[-27.834, 19.111, -28.148]
[13.218, -3.647, -34.453]
[12.618, -4.977, -34.303]
Using these vectors of coordinates, we will illustrate the use of the current package.
Shortest distances from a solute
The simplest usage consists of finding for each molecule of one set the atoms of the other set which are closer to them. For example, here we want the atoms of the proteins which are closer to each TMAO molecule (14 atoms), within a cutoff of 12.0
The simulations was performed with periodic boundary conditions, in a cubic box of sides [84.48, 84.48, 84.48]
. We compute the minimum distances with:
julia> list = minimum_distances(
xpositions=tmao, # solvent
ypositions=protein, # solute
unitcell=[84.48, 84.48, 84.48]
181-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2526, 97, 9.652277658666891)
The list
contains, for each molecule of TMAO, a MinimumDistance
object, containing the following fields, exemplified by printing the last entry of the list:
julia> list[end]
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2526, 97, 9.652277658666891)
Distance within cutoff, within_cutoff = true
x atom of pair, i = 2526
y atom of pair, j = 97
Distance found, d = 9.652277658666891
The fields within_cutoff
, i
, j
, and d
show if a distance was found within the cutoff, the indices of the atoms involved in the contact, and their distance.
Getter functions are available to extract eac hof these fields, to add some convenience: within_cutoff
, iatom
, jatom
, and distance
If the solute has more than one molecule, this will not be taken into consideration in this mode. All molecules will be considered as part of the same structure (the number of atoms per molecule of the protein
is not a parameter here).
All shortest distances
A similar call of the previous section can be used to compute, for each molecule of a set of molecules, which is the closest atom of every other molecule of another set.
In the example, we can compute for each TMAO molecule, which is the closest atom of water, and vice-versa. The difference from the previous call is that now wee need to provide the number of atoms of both TMAO and water:
julia> water_list, tmao_list = minimum_distances(
unitcell=[84.48, 84.48, 84.48],
julia> water_list
19338-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2, 1512, 4.779476331147592)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 6, 734, 2.9413928673334357)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 8, 859, 5.701548824661595)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 58010, 1728, 3.942870781549911)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 58014, 2058, 2.2003220218867936)
julia> tmao_list
181-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 12, 22520, 2.1985345118965056)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 20, 33586, 2.1942841657360606)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 37, 26415, 2.1992319113726926)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2512, 37323, 2.198738501959709)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2527, 33664, 2.1985044916943015)
Two lists were returned, the first containing, for each water molecule, MinimumDistance
data associated to the closest TMAO molecule (meaning the atoms involved in the contact and their distance). Similarly, the second list contains, for each TMAO molecule, the MinimumDistance
data associated to each TMAO molecule.
Shortest distances within molecules
There is an interface to compute the shortest distances of molecules within a set of molecules. That is, given one group of molecules, compute for each molecule which is the shortest distance among the other molecules of the same type.
A typical call would be:
julia> water_list = minimum_distances(
unitcell=[84.48, 84.48, 84.48],
19338-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2, 33977, 2.1997806708851724)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 4, 43684, 2.1994928961012814)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 9, 28030, 2.1997583958244142)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 58010, 22235, 2.1992096307537414)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 58012, 9318, 2.20003227249056)
Which contains for each water molecule the atoms involved in the closest contact to any other water molecule, and the distances (within the cutoff). A pictorial representation of a result of this type is, for a simpler system:
This can be used for the identification of connectivity networks, for example, or for some types of clustering.
Advanced usage
System build and update
If the molecular minimum distances will be computed many times for similar systems, it is possible to construct the system and update its properties. The use of the interface of CellListMap
is required (requires CellListMap
version 0.7.24
or greater).
For example, let us build one system with a protein and water:
julia> using MolSimToolkit, PDBTools
julia> system = MolecularMinimumDistances.download_example();
julia> protein = coor(system, "protein");
julia> water = coor(system, "water");
We now build the CrossPairs
type of system, instead of calling the minimum_distances
function directly:
julia> sys = CrossPairs(
xpositions=water, # solvent
ypositions=protein, # solute
unitcell=[84.48, 84.48, 84.48]
CrossPairs system with:
Number of atoms of set x: 58014
Number of molecules in set x: 19338
Number of atoms of target structure y: 1463
Cutoff: 12.0
unitcell: [84.48, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84.48, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84.48]
Now sys
contains the necessary arrays for computing the list of minimum distances. We use now the minimum_distances!
function (with the !
), to update that list:
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)
19338-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 58011, 383, 10.24673074692606)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
The system can be now updated: the positions, cutoff, or unitcell can be modified, with the following interfaces:
Updating positions
To update the positions, modify the sys.xpositions
(or ypositions
) array. We will boldy demonstrate this by making the first atom of the x
set to be close to the first atom of the protein, and recomputing the distances:
julia> using StaticArrays
julia> sys.xpositions[2] = sys.ypositions[1] + SVector(1.0,0.0,0.0);
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)
19338-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2, 4, 0.9202923448556931)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 58011, 383, 10.24673074692606)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
Updating the cutoff, unitcell and parallel flag
The cutoff
, unitcell
and parallel
data of the sys
objects can be modified directly. For example:
julia> sys
CrossPairs system with:
Number of atoms of set x: 58014
Number of molecules in set x: 19338
Number of atoms of target structure y: 1463
Cutoff: 15.0
unitcell: [100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0]
julia> sys.cutoff = 10.0
julia> sys.unitcell = [84.4, 84.4, 84.4]
3-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> sys.parallel = false
julia> sys
CrossPairs system with:
Number of atoms of set x: 58014
Number of molecules in set x: 19338
Number of atoms of target structure y: 1463
Cutoff: 10.0
unitcell: [84.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84.4]
It is not possible to update the unitcell
from a Orthorhombic to a general Triclinic cell. If the system will be Triclinic at any moment, the unitcell
must be initialized with the full matrix instead of a vector of sides.
Index of molecules
Additionally, the low level interface allows the definition of more general groups of particles, in the sense that "molecule" can have different number of atoms in the same set. Therefore, one needs to provide a function that returns the index of the molecule of each atom, given the index of the atom.
Briefly, if a set of atoms belong to molecules of the same number of atoms, one can compute the index of each molecule using
mol_indices(i,n) = div((i - 1), n) + 1
where i
is the atom index in the array of coordinates, and n
is the number of atoms per molecule. This is the default assumed in the basic interface, and can be called with:
julia> using StaticArrays
julia> x = rand(SVector{3,Float64},9); # 3 water molecules
julia> mol_indices(2,3) # second atom belongs to first molecule
julia> mol_indices(4,3) # fourth atom belongs to second molecule
Typically, as we will show, this function will be used for setting up molecule indices.
However, more general indexing can be used. For instance, let us suppose that the 9 atoms of the x
array of coordinates above belong to 2
molecules, with 4
and 5
atoms each. Then, we could define, for example:
julia> my_mol_indices(i) = i <= 4 ? 1 : 2
my_mol_indices (generic function with 1 method)
julia> my_mol_indices(4)
julia> my_mol_indices(5)
Since the function can close-over an array of molecular indices, the definition can be completely general, that is:
julia> molecular_indices = [ 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2 ];
julia> my_mol_indices(i) = molecular_indices[i]
my_mol_indices (generic function with 1 method)
julia> my_mol_indices(1)
julia> my_mol_indices(5)
In summary, this function that given the index of the atom returns the index of the corresponding molecule must be provided in the advanced interface, and typically will be just a closure around the number of atoms per molecule, using the already available mol_indices
Let us mix water and TMAO molecules in the same set, and use a general function to compute the indices of the molecules of each atom:
julia> system = MolecularMinimumDistances.download_example();
julia> protein = coor(system, "protein");
julia> tmao_and_water = select(system, "resname TMAO or resname TIP3")
Array{Atoms,1} with 60548 atoms with fields:
index name resname chain resnum residue x y z beta occup model segname index_pdb
1479 N TMAO A 1 120 -23.532 -9.347 19.545 0.00 1.00 1 TMAO 1479
1480 C1 TMAO A 1 120 -23.567 -7.907 19.381 0.00 1.00 1 TMAO 1480
1481 C2 TMAO A 1 120 -22.498 -9.702 20.497 0.00 1.00 1 TMAO 1481
62024 OH2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.485 -4.534 -34.438 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62024
62025 H1 TIP3 C 9339 19638 13.218 -3.647 -34.453 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62025
62026 H2 TIP3 C 9339 19638 12.618 -4.977 -34.303 0.00 1.00 1 WAT2 62026
julia> findfirst(at -> at.resname == "TIP3", tmao_and_water)
Thus, the tmao_and_water
atom array has two different types of molecules, TMAO with 14 atoms, and water with 3 atoms. The first atom of a water molecule is atom 2535
of the array. We extract the coordinates of the atoms with:
julia> solvent = coor(tmao_and_water)
60548-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-23.532, -9.347, 19.545]
[-23.567, -7.907, 19.381]
[-22.498, -9.702, 20.497]
[13.218, -3.647, -34.453]
[12.618, -4.977, -34.303]
And now we define a function that, given the index of the atom, returns the molecule to which it belongs:
julia> function mol_indices(i)
if i < 2535 # TMAO (14 atoms per molecule)
div(i-1,14) + 1
else # water (3 atoms per molecule)
mol_indices(2534) + div(i-2534-1,3) + 1
mol_indices (generic function with 3 method)
The function above computes the molecular indices for TMAO in the standard way, and computes the water molecular indices by first summing the molecule index of the last TMAO molecule, and subtracting from the atomic index of water the last index of the last TMAO atom. We can test this:
julia> mol_indices(14) # last atom of first TMAO
julia> mol_indices(15) # first atom of second TMAO
julia> mol_indices(2534) # last atom of last TMAO
julia> mol_indices(2535) # first atom of first water
julia> mol_indices(2537) # last atom of first water
julia> mol_indices(2538) # first atom of second water
With this function, we can construct the system using it instead of the xn_atoms_per_molecule
integer variable, to obtain the solvation of the protein by both TMAO and water in a single run:
julia> sys = CrossPairs(
xpositions=solvent, # solvent = coor(tmao_and_water)
ypositions=protein, # solute
xmol_indices = mol_indices,
unitcell=[84.48, 84.48, 84.48]
CrossPairs system with:
Number of atoms of set x: 60548
Number of molecules in set x: 19519
Number of atoms of target structure y: 1463
Cutoff: 12.0
unitcell: [84.48, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84.48, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84.48]
As we can see, the number of molecules is correct (the sum of the number of water and tmao molecules). And the list of minimum distances will retrive the information of the closest protein atom to all solvent molecules of the set:
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)
19519-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 60545, 383, 10.24673074692606)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
If this package was useful, please cite the article describing the main algorithms on which it is based:
L. Martínez, CellListMap.jl: Efficient and customizable cell list implementation for calculation of pairwise particle properties within a cutoff. Computer Physics Communications 279, 108452 (2022).
DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108452
Help entries
— Methodiatom(md::MinimumDistance) = md.i
Returns the index of the atom of the first set that is closer to the atom of the second set.
— Methodjatom(md::MinimumDistance) = md.j
Returns the index of the atom of the second set that is closer to the atom of the first set.
— Methodminimum_distances!(system)
Function that computes the minimum distances for an initialized system, of SelfPairs
, CrossPairs
, or AllPairs
The function returs a Vector{MinimumDistance}
cor SelfPairs
and CrossPairs
inputs, and a Tuple of two of such vectors for the AllPairs
input types.
This function is used as an advanced alternative from preallocated system inputs. Only a few allocations remain on a call to minimum_distances!
, mostly related to the launch of the multithreaded calculations.
julia> using MolSimToolkit, StaticArrays
julia> sys = SelfPairs(
xpositions = rand(SVector{3,Float64},1000),
cutoff = 0.1,
SelfPairs system with:
Number of atoms: 1000
Cutoff: 0.1
unitcell: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
Number of molecules: 100
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)
100-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 8, 579, 0.03570387474690425)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 12, 534, 0.02850448652684309)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 996, 423, 0.03655145613454862)
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime minimum_distances!($sys);
178.468 μs (209 allocations: 22.80 KiB)
— Methodminimum_distances(
# or xpositions *and* ypositions (CrossPairs or AllPairs)
# or xn_atoms_per_molecule (CrossPairs)
# or xn_atoms_per_molecule *and* yn_atoms_per_molecule (AllPairs)
This function computes directly the minimum distances in a set of particles. Depending on the number of input position arrays provided and on the number of molecular index information provided, a different type of calculation is performed:
are provided, the minimum distances within the set of molecules of the set provided are computed.If
are provided, and onlyxn_atoms_per_molecule
is provided, the minimum distance of molecule of setx
will be computed relative to sety
(or, in other words,ypositions
are considered a single structure)If
are provided, andxn_atoms_per_molecule
are given, the minimum distances of each molecule ofx
to any atom ofy
are computed, and vice-versa. A tuple of vectors of minimum distances is returned, with lengths corresponding to the number of molecules of setsx
, respectively.
As for the other functions are constructors, the xn_atoms_per_molecule
keyword parameters can be substituted by a general function which returns the molecular index of the molecule of each atom (i. e. (i) -> (i-1)%n_atoms_per_molecule + 1
in the simplest and default case).
Single set of molecules: all minimum distances within the set
Note that the output contains a vector of MinimumDistance
elements with a length equal to the number of molecules of the set.
julia> using MolSimToolkit, StaticArrays
julia> list = minimum_distances(
xpositions = rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^5),
cutoff = 0.1,
10000-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 5, 71282, 0.007669490894775502)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 19, 36374, 0.005280726329888545)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 99998, 44320, 0.006509632622462869)
Two sets: minimum distances of one set relative to the other
Note that the output contains the number of molecules of the x
set. For each molecule of this set, the minimum distance to the set y
is computed. This is the typical "solute-solvent" example, where x
contains the solvent positions, and y
contains the solute positions.
julia> list = minimum_distances(
xpositions = rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^5),
ypositions = rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^3),
cutoff = 0.1,
10000-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 5, 596, 0.025526453519907292)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 18, 391, 0.014114699969628301)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 99993, 289, 0.016089848937890512)
Two-sets: computing all minimum distances among molecules
If the number of molecules of both sets are provided with the xn_atoms_per_molecule
and yn_atoms_per_molecule
keywords, both sets are split into molecules, and all minimum distances are computed. For each molecule of each set, the minimimum distance to any other molecule of the other set is returned. The output is a tuple of lists.
julia> lists = minimum_distances(
xpositions = rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^5),
ypositions = rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^3),
cutoff = 0.1,
julia> lists[1]
10000-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 10, 471, 0.03211876310646438)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 13, 113, 0.0364141004391549)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 99992, 673, 0.0345818388567913)
julia> lists[2]
10-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 81, 754, 0.002292544732548094)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 156, 17208, 0.0018147268509811352)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 944, 98048, 0.002902338025311851)
— Methodwithin_cutoff(md::MinimumDistance) = md.within_cutoff
Returns true
if the distance is within the cutoff, and false
— Methoddistance(md::MinimumDistance) = md.d
Returns the distance between the atoms of the pair.
— MethodAllPairs(;
Initializes a particle system for the calculation of minimum distances between one molecule and a set of other molecules. Returns a list minimum distances (MinimumDistance
type), containing for each molecule of the set the information about the closest distance to the reference molecule.
Instead of the number of atoms per molecule, the user can also provide a more general xmol_indices
and/or ymol_indices
functions, which, for each atomic index, returns the corresponding molecular index (which is mol_indices(i) = (i-1)%n + 1
where n
is the number of atoms per molecule if all molecules have the same number of atoms and are continously stored in the array of positions).
julia> using MolSimToolkit, StaticArrays
julia> sys = AllPairs(
xpositions=rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^5), # "solvent" (set of molecules)
ypositions=rand(SVector{3,Float64},1000), # "solute" (target structure)
xn_atoms_per_molecule=5, # of the "solvent"
yn_atoms_per_molecule=10 # of the "solvent"
AllPairs system with:
Number of atoms of first set: 100000
Number of molecules in first set: 20000
Number of atoms of second set: 1000
Number of molecules in second set: 100
Cutoff: 0.1
unitcell: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)[1]
20000-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 1, 859, 0.037219109441123784)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 10, 117, 0.042183794688796634)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 99996, 168, 0.014269620784984633)
— MethodCrossPairs(;
Initializes a particle system for the calculation of minimum distances between one molecule and a set of other molecules. Returns a list minimum distances (MinimumDistance
type), containing for each molecule of the set the information about the closest distance to the reference molecule.
Instead of the number of atoms per molecule, the user can also provide a more general mol_indices
function, which, for each atomic index, returns the corresponding molecular index (which is mol_indices(i) = (i-1)%n + 1
where n
is the number of atoms per molecule if all molecules have the same number of atoms and are continously stored in the array of positions).
julia> using MolSimToolkit, StaticArrays
julia> sys = CrossPairs(
xpositions=rand(SVector{3,Float64},10^5), # "solvent" (set of molecules)
ypositions=rand(SVector{3,Float64},1000), # "solute" (target structure)
xn_atoms_per_molecule=5 # of the "solvent"
CrossPairs system with:
Number of atoms of set: 100000
Number of atoms of target structure: 1000
Cutoff: 0.1
unitcell: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
Number of molecules in set: 20000
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)
20000-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 1, 859, 0.037219109441123784)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 10, 117, 0.042183794688796634)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 99996, 168, 0.014269620784984633)
— TypeMinimumDistance{T}
The lists of minimum-distances are stored in arrays of type Vector{MinimumDistance{T}}
. The index of this vector corresponds to the index of the molecule in the original array.
is a simple structure that contains four fields: a boolean marker indicating if the distance is within the cutoff, the indices i
and j
of the atoms of the molecules that are closer to each other, and the distance d
, with type T
, which is the same as that of the coordinates of the input vectors of coordinates. The best way to access the information of a MinimumDistance
element is through the getter functions within_cutoff
, distance
, iatom
, and jatom
julia> md = MinimumDistance{Float32}(true, 2, 5, 1.f0)
MinimumDistance{Float32}(true, 2, 5, 1.0f0)
julia> iatom(md)
julia> jatom(md)
julia> distance(md)
julia> within_cutoff(md)
— MethodSelfPairs(;
) where T<:Real
Initializes a particle system for the calculation of minimum distances within a single set of molecules. The shortest distance of each molecule to any other molecule of the same set is computed.
Instead of the number of atoms per molecule, the user can also provide a more general mol_indices
function, which, for each atomic index, returns the corresponding molecular index (which is mol_indices(i) = (i-1)%n + 1
where n
is the number of atoms per molecule if all molecules have the same number of atoms and are continously stored in the array of positions).
julia> using MolSimToolkit, StaticArrays
julia> sys = SelfPairs(
SelfPairs system with:
Number of atoms: 100000
Cutoff: 0.1
unitcell: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
Number of molecules: 20000
julia> minimum_distances!(sys)
20000-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 4, 24930, 0.008039482961077074)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 6, 74055, 0.0049818659155905255)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 99999, 75403, 0.0025051670801269433)
Details of the illustration
The initial illustration here consists of a toy solute-solvent example, where the solute is an approximately hexagonal molecule, and the solvent is composed by 40 diatomic molecules. The toy system is built as follows:
using MolecularMinimumDistances, StaticArrays
# x will contain the "solvent", composed by 40 diatomic molecules
T = SVector{2,Float64}
x = T[]
cmin = T(-20,-20)
for i in 1:40
v = cmin .+ 40*rand(T)
push!(x, v)
theta = 2pi*rand()
push!(x, v .+ T(sin(theta),cos(theta)))
# y will contain the "solute", composed by an approximate hexagonal molecule
y = [ T(1,1), T(1,-1), T(0,-1.5), T(-1,-1), T(-1,1), T(0,1.5) ]
Next, we compute the minimum distances between each molecule of x
(the solvent) and the solute. In the input we need to specify the number of atoms of each molecule in x
, and the cutoff up to which we want the distances to be computed:
julia> list = minimum_distances(
unitcell=[40.0, 40.0],
40-element Vector{MinimumDistance{Float64}}:
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 2, 3, 1.0764931248364737)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(true, 74, 5, 7.899981412729262)
MinimumDistance{Float64}(false, 0, 0, Inf)
The output is a list of MinimumDistance
data structures, one for each molecule in x
. The true
indicates that a distance smaller than the cutoff was found, and for these the indices of the atoms in x
and y
associated are reported, along with the distance between them.
In this example, from the 40 molecules of x
, eleven had atoms closer than the cutoff to some atom of y
julia> count(x -> x.within_cutoff, list)
We have an auxiliary function to plot the result, in this case where the "atoms" are bi-dimensional:
using Plots
import MolecularMinimumDistances: plot_md!
p = plot(lims=(-20,20),framestyle=:box,grid=false,aspect_ratio=1)
plot_md!(p, x, 2, y, 6, list, y_cycle=true)
will produce the illustration plot above, in which the nearest point between the two sets is identified.