Calling from Python

Callling CellListMap from python can be useful if lists of neighbors or other properties have to be computed many times, making the overhead of initializing Julia negligible. As the example and benchmark below demonstrates, the current implementation of cell lists in this package is faster than common alternatives available in the python ecosystem.


First, install juliacall using the pip package manager, with

% pip install juliacall

Using ipython3 (only Python $\geq$ 3 is supported), do:

In [1]: from juliacall import Main as jl

which, on the first use only, will install the latest stable version of Julia.

Then, install CellListMap, with:

In [2]: jl.Pkg.add("CellListMap")

A Python module

The provides a complete small python module that interfaces the neighborlist function of CellListMap with python, returning numpy arrays of indices and distances:

By saving the file above in a file, within python we just need to do:

In [1]: import CellListMap as cl

In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: coords = np.random.random((50_000,3))

In [4]: i_inds, j_inds, d = cl.neighborlist(coords, 0.05)

The output i_inds, j_inds and d variables are numpy arrays with the indexes of the particles and their distances.

For periodic systems, the unitcell must be provided, as uni-dimensional np.array (for orthorhombic systems) or a np.matrix (for general periodic boundary conditions). For example:

In [5]: i_inds, j_inds, d = cl.neighborlist(coords, 0.05, unitcell=np.array([1, 1, 1]))

In [6]: i_inds, j_inds, d = cl.neighborlist(coords, 0.05, unitcell=np.matrix('1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1'))

The neighborlist_cross function provided above has a similar syntax, but to compute the neighboring particles of two independent sets:

In [7]: x = np.random.random((50_000,3))

In [8]: y = np.random.random((50_000,3))

In [9]: i_inds, j_inds, d = cl.neighborlist_cross(x, y, 0.05, unitcell=np.array([1, 1, 1]))

The indexes of the particles the i_inds and j_inds arrays are 0-based, to conform the numpy array standard.


To run the code multi-threaded, set the JULIA_NUM_THREADS environment variable before launching python:


Under the hood: interfacing with the Julia package


The details of the above module are explained below, for a more in depth understanding of the interface between Julia and Python through the PythonCall.jl library.

We highly recommend using the module provided above.

The typical input coordinates, in python, are a numpy array with shape (N,dim) where N is the number of particles and dim is the dimension of the space (2 or 3 for CellListMap). Here, we generate a set of 50,000 particles in three dimensions:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: coords = np.random.random((50_000,3))

Julia is column-major, and python is row-major, thus if we want to use the functions from CellListMap we need to transpose the coordinates:

In [3]: coords_t = coords.transpose()

These transposed coordinates can be used in the CellListMap.neighborlist function. For example:

In [4]: jl.seval("using CellListMap")

In [6]: neighbor_list = jl.neighborlist(coords_t,0.05)

which will return a list of tuples, containing all pairs of coordinates withing the cutoff (remember that the first call to a Julia function will always take longer than subsequent calls, because the function is JIT compiled):

In [12]: neighbor_list.shape
Out[12]: (618774,)

In [13]: neighbor_list[1]
Out[13]: (1, 37197, 0.047189685889846615)

Note that the third element of the tuple is the distance between the points.

Converting the list to numpy arrays

The output of CellListMap.neighborlist is a Julia Vector{Tuple{Int,Int,Float64}} array (or Float32, if the coordinates and cutoff were given in 32-bit precision). This Julia list can be accessed from within python normally:

In [36]: neighbor_list = jl.neighborlist(coords_t, 0.05);

In [37]: neighbor_list[0:2]
2-element view(::Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Float64}}, 1:1:2) with eltype Tuple{Int64, Int64, Float64}:
 (1, 6717, 0.020052121336342873)
 (1, 7208, 0.03880915662838867)

In [38]: neighbor_list[0][0]
Out[38]: 1

In [40]: neighbor_list[0][2]
Out[40]: 0.020052121336342873

Yet, this list may not be interoperable with many other python packages, particularly with numpy standard operations. Thus, it may be interesting to convert the list to numpy arrays. This can be done with a simple helper function, which uses a Julia function to copy the list values to the numpy arrays:

function copy_to_numpy_arrays(nb_list, i_inds, j_inds, d)
    for i in eachindex(nb_list)
        i_inds[i], j_inds[i], d[i] = nb_list[i]
    return nothing
def neighborlist(x, cutoff) :
    x_t = x.transpose()
    nb_list = jl.neighborlist(x_t, cutoff)
    i_inds = np.full((len(nb_list),), 0, dtype=np.int64)
    j_inds = np.full((len(nb_list),), 0, dtype=np.int64)
    d = np.full((len(nb_list),), 0.0, dtype=np.float64)
    jl.copy_to_numpy_arrays(nb_list, i_inds, j_inds, d)
    i_inds -= 1 # make indexes 0-based
    j_inds -= 1 # make indexes 0-based
    return i_inds, j_inds, d

Now, the output of the python neighborlist contains the numpy arrays for the indexes of the two particles involved in each pair, and their distances:

In [61]: neighborlist(coords,0.05)
(array([    0,     0,     0, ..., 49802, 49802, 49885]),
 array([ 6717,  7208,  9303, ..., 11542, 27777, 43853]),
 array([0.02005212, 0.03880916, 0.04543936, ..., 0.04671987, 0.02671908,

The overhead of these conversions, array creation and copies is not very large, and the benchmarks below are still valid considering this auxiliary python function.

Benchmarking vs. Scipy

To properly benchmark the neighborlist function from CellListMap, let us first define a simple wrapper that will include the transposition of the coordinates in the time:

In [14]: def neighborlist_simple(x,cutoff):
    ...:     y = x.transpose()
    ...:     nn = jl.CellListMap.neighborlist(y,cutoff)
    ...:     return nn

In [15]: %timeit neighborlist_simple(coords,0.05)
61.7 ms ± 707 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Let us compare this with the performance of a inrange neighborlist algorithm from scipy:

In [29]: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

In [30]: def neighborlist_scipy(x,cutoff) : 
    ...:     kd_tree = cKDTree(x)  
    ...:     pairs = kd_tree.query_pairs(r=0.05)  
    ...:     return pairs 

In [31]: %timeit neighborlist_scipy(coords,0.05)
312 ms ± 2.85 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Just to confirm, this is the number of pairs that is being output in this test

In [32]: len(neighborlist_scipy(coords,0.05)) # using Scipy
Out[32]: 618475

In [20]: len(neighborlist_smple(coords,0.05)) # using CellListMap
Out[20]: 618475

If we use the neighborlist function from Converting the list to numpy arrays, the result is similar, thus copying the output to numpy arrays does not create a large overhead:

In [30]: %timeit neighborlist(coords, 0.05)
67.4 ms ± 4.04 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)


The overhead of calling the function through juliacall is small. From within Julia, the timings of a similar execution would be:

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> using CellListMap

julia> x = rand(3,50_000);

julia> @btime CellListMap.neighborlist($x,0.05,parallel=false);
  51.299 ms (17687 allocations: 37.43 MiB)


These examples were run single-threaded. To run multi-threaded, an environment variable for Julia needs to be set. For example, in bash, do:


There is a conflict between garbage collectors that may cause segmentation faults in multi-threaded runs (see this issue). The workaround appears to be to disable the Julia garbage collector during the execution of multi-threaded code.

Here we provide the necessary syntax as an auxiliary Python function.

Consider the following python file, let us call it, that provides the neighborlist python function with the conversion of the output to numpy arrays:

from juliacall import Main as jl
jl.seval("using CellListMap")
import numpy as np
function copy_to_numpy_arrays(nb_list, i_inds, j_inds, d)
    for i in eachindex(nb_list)
        i_inds[i], j_inds[i], d[i] = nb_list[i]
    return nothing
def neighborlist(x, cutoff) :
    x_t = x.transpose()
    nb_list = jl.neighborlist(x_t, cutoff)
    i_inds = np.full((len(nb_list),), 0, dtype=np.int64)
    j_inds = np.full((len(nb_list),), 0, dtype=np.int64)
    d = np.full((len(nb_list),), 0.0, dtype=np.float64)
    jl.copy_to_numpy_arrays(nb_list, i_inds, j_inds, d)
    return i_inds, j_inds, d

Then, in Python, do:

In [1]: import neighborlist as nb

In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: coords = np.random.random((50_000,3))

In [4]: i_inds, j_inds, d = nb.neighborlist(coords, 0.05)

In a notebook with 6 cores (12 threads) this led to the following performance:

In [5]: %timeit i_inds, j_inds, d = nb.neighborlist(coords, 0.05)
23.7 ms ± 910 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Which, is about 3x faster than the serial execution:

In [4]: %timeit i_inds, j_inds, d = nb.neighborlist(coords, 0.05)
59.2 ms ± 959 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

and thus about 10x faster than scipy.spatial:

In [7]: %timeit neighborlist_scipy(coords,0.05)
204 ms ± 2.86 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

General mappings

A greater flexibility on the use of CellListMap from python can be obtained by defining custom Julia functions. This feature must be used with the low level interface of CellListMap, and is somewhat limited in scope.

In [36]: jl.seval("using CellListMap")

In [37]: x = np.random.random((50_000,3));

In [38]: x_t = x.transpose()

In [39]: box = jl.Box(np.array([1,1,1]), 0.05)

In [40]: box
Box{OrthorhombicCell, 3}
  unit cell matrix = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0; 0.0, 1.0, 0.0; 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
  cutoff = 0.05
  number of computing cells on each dimension = [22, 22, 22]
  computing cell sizes = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05] (lcell: 1)
  Total number of cells = 10648

In [41]: cl = jl.CellList(x_t,box)

In [42]: cl
CellList{3, Float64}
  50000 real particles.
  7985 cells with real particles.
  66594 particles in computing box, including images.

The function to be mapped, however, has to be defined in Julia, using seval. For example, here we define a function that computes the histogram of the distances within the cutoff.

In [43]: jl.seval("""  
    ...: function histogram(x,y,i,j,d2,hist) 
    ...:     cutoff = 0.05 
    ...:     dc = sqrt(d2)/cutoff # in [0,1] 
    ...:     ibin = floor(Int,dc*10) + 1 # in [0,10] 
    ...:     hist[ibin] += 1 
    ...:     return hist 
    ...: end 
    ...: """)
Out[44]: histogram (generic function with 1 method)

We can initialize the output variable (the histogram) using a regular numpy array:

In [45]: hist = np.zeros(10)

and call the map_pairwise function to obtain the histogram of the distances within the cutoff:

In [46]: jl.map_pairwise(jl.histogram, hist, box, cl)
10-element PythonCall.PyArray{Float64, 1, true, true, Float64}:

With this interface, however, it is not possible to pass additional parameters to the mapped function, and thus the additional parameters have to defined inside the called function (as the cutoff in the current example). This is not ideal, for example, for computing accelerations, which depend on the masses of the particles. In this case, currently, either just use Julia from start and closures, or use the neighborlist function to obtain the list of neighbors to then compute whatever property is desired from the list of pairs, although this is suboptimal in terms of performance.